Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Elana Bell's "There are things this poem would rather not say:"

This week's poem is Elana Bell's "There are things this poem would rather not say:"

I'm thinking about how American poets announce that their poems are about Israel/Palestine this week. I was thinking about some of Irena Klepfisz's poems and Ellen Bass's "Moonlight" and thought I would spend more time with how they announced -- or really located -- their subjects, but I discovered that I couldn't find these poems online. This brings up some interesting questions about which poems get posted online and why (that aren't specific to Israel/Palestine). So instead here is a poem that never actually announces that it is specifically Israel/Palestine, but all the specific markers are there. But by not actually naming Israel or Palestine, the poem also opens up to being about the situation -- of being a remorseful person who is a member/descendant of a colonizing and ruling force, which is, alas, a more common situation than being an Israeli or a Jew. This poem is almost an apology and gives me a lot to think about. For example, what would this poem look like if it were in the voice of an American speaker to Native Americans?


By the way, I'm sorry about posting this late, but last night when posting this poem was the last thing left on my to-do list, my ear started to ache; I decided rest was the best thing.

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